Company Directory Find who you're looking for and contact us directly! Premiere Finishing & Coating LLC Phone Map-marker-alt Warehouse-alt Jeff Beach (ext. 102) President/CEO Phone Envelope Larry Holcomb (ext. 111) National Sales Manager Phone Envelope Hardwood Sales (ext. 107) Hardwood Flooring Sales Phone Envelope Shawn Hart (ext. 103) Operations Manager Phone Envelope Rebecca Linville (ext. 108) Shipping/Receiving Manager Phone Envelope Denise Dodson (ext. 113) Production Scheduling Phone Envelope Victoria Gaither (EXT. 100) Accounts Receivable / Payables Envelope Life at PFC See what we do at and off work! In business since 2001 Domotex USA Atlanta, Georgia. Christmas Christmas Holiday Party The Premiere Finishing & Coating family finishes the year with its annual Christmas Party. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Appreciation Lunch Kicking-off the long thanksgiving weekend with a thanksgiving appreciation lunch for everyone. A Day at Work Premiere Finishing & Coating